Behind the Curtain with Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan

We went to Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan to see this summer’s production of Hamlet, presented by SaskTel, and chatted with some of the actors about what the festival means to them.

Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan is a performance art theatre that has been producing the works of Shakespeare on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River since 1985. We went to this summer’s production of Hamlet, presented by SaskTel, and discussed with some of the actors what the festival means to them.

We spoke with Mara Teare, who plays Ophelia in this season’s adaptation of Hamlet. She spoke about how much she loves coming to set everyday, and how beautiful the scenery is. Beyond that, Mara’s passion for Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan was undeniable.


“I really do believe that art really makes a city thrive and enriches a community, and as an artist in a city like Saskatoon, finding more purpose to stay really makes me want to give back to my community.”


Mara grew up in Saskatoon, and has always been an admirer of the festival. She attended their summer camps in high school, and her aspirations to be a part of the festival came to fruition when she eventually joined their cast. She pointed out that this is what makes the festival so special; kids from Saskatchewan grow up coming to experience new adaptations of Shakespeare every season and this sparks an interest in theatre that is able to grow as they do.

“I think as a kid growing up in Saskatoon seeing really cool art being made by people that live in the same city as me, just inspired me to be more artistic and so I think that’s what makes it a really special festival.” Mara Teare, Ophelia in Hamlet


Praneet Atilla plays Hamlet in Hamlet and spoke to us about how important building community and conversation through theatre is. He explained that since the world today can be so hidden behind screens, experiencing live theatre is one of the only mediums where the audience is truly receptive and engaged with the performers which that’s why local theatre is so impactful.

“I think it’s important to have initiatives like Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan and have the community talk backs that we do. All these initiatives are so important so that we can have people engaging in dialogue with each other.”


Beyond the actors on stage, there are many more dedicated people involved behind the curtain who bring Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan to life every season.

“The staff, the volunteers, the cast, the crew; I couldn’t be doing what I’m doing up there without the community.” Praneet Atilla, Hamlet in Hamlet


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